Kai experienced his first ride on the lawn mower today! Cash usually freaks out if anyone is on the lawnmower besides himself but luckily he was down for a nap!
He seemed to enjoy it! No tears were shed...except by Cash when he discovered that his dad had betrayed him!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Biker Dude
My mom is the best sport ever! She was trying to entertain Cash and Kai the other night for me so this is what she did to keep them busy. She pulled them round and round in circles all through the house! The boys LOVED it! You can't really tell by the serious look on Kai's face but he was truly loving it! These boys are so dang funny!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Spanish Fork Rodeo!
Nalani was out of town this week on a business trip so Jed invited me to go with their family to the Spanish Fork rodeo. I figured Kai wouldn't truly appreciate a rodeo yet so I left him home with my parents.
Jed and his partner in crime cheesin it up for the camera. Cash makes such goofy faces sometimes! It cracks me up!
Cash enjoyed the rodeo for all of about 15 minutes then he just wanted to get down and play. They only problem was that we were packed into the stadium like sardines so there was no opportunity to run around. It then turned into a game of "how to distract Cash!" First we tried Red Vines and that lasted for about 10 minutes!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A few random pictures...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Trip to the farm
Kai's first trip to the farm! Jed took us out to his dad's farm a few weeks ago and Kai didn't quite know what to think about it all but I thought it was awesome! We counted 25 babies in the field and they were so dang cute!
After we fed the cows we went back to the house and the boys played in the sandbox.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tulip Festival
About a month ago my sister-in-law Meridith and I went to Seattle with the boys to have a little fun. While we were there we went to the Tulip Festival in Marysville. The tulips weren't in full bloom yet but they were still beautiful!
Chocolate covered strawberries and bananas.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Kai's crawling...kinda
I promised Ben I would post a video of Kai showing off his great attempt to crawl so here it is!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Ben in the crowd
Where's Waldo...I mean Ben?
I was hoping Ben would have a chance to write a little something but his internet has been really slow lately so it's hard for him to add to the blog.
I was hoping Ben would have a chance to write a little something but his internet has been really slow lately so it's hard for him to add to the blog.
You have serious mad skills if you can find him in this one! I think he's the one leaning on the barrier with his hands crossed.
He's not in this picture but I think it's awesome how President Obama is not only shaking hands but hugging everyone as well!
Ben met the President today!
Stay tuned for more pictures and stories from Ben!!!
President Barack Obama makes surprise visit to Iraq
by Associated Press
AP PhotoPresident Barack Obama greets military personnel at Camp Victory in Baghdad, Iraq. President Barack Obama made a surprise visit to Baghdad today, according to an Associated Press report.
President Barack Obama makes surprise visit to Iraq
by Associated Press Tuesday April 07, 2009, 4:10 PM
He spent about five hours in the Iraq war zone, where he met with the top U.S. commander there and the Iraqi prime minister. Obama also address troops stationed at Camp Victory, the largest military facility in Iraq.
This was Obama's first visit to the country since he became president. It capped an eight-day international trip in which he traveled to Britain, France, Germany, the Czech Republic and Turkey.
The president is expected back in Washington, D.C. tonight.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Kai Videos!
This first video is my new favorite! Ben is on the computer talking to Kai through Skype so Kai can see a live picture while Ben talks to him. I think Kai is convinced that the computer is his dad! Every morning when I open the computer and Kai hears Skype ringing he gets really excited! It's so fun to see him smile and coo and Ben!
In this video Kai is showing off all his funny old man faces that he loves to make! I say old man because it looks like he forgot to put his dentures in! The poor boy still only has one little tooth barely poking through!
Sleepy Kai
The other night I was sitting on the couch typing away on the computer as Kai sat and played in his exersaucer. I was trying to get him nice and worn out so he would sleep good all night! All the sudden it got really quiet so I looked up from the computer and this is what I found...
Kai was playing so hard that he fell right asleep! It's rough being 8 months old sometimes!
I couldn't help but laugh!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Easter Babies
Happy Early Easter! Okay, so it's St. Patrick's Day today but who's keeping track? My sister Maile sent the boys these bunny ears in the mail the other day to celebrate Kai's first Easter. So of course, Nalani and I immediately started taking pictures! How could you not think that these two are the cutest boys in the world?

Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
FOB Falcon
This is the hallway outside of the room I had when I first got to FOB Falcon pretty ghetto huh?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ben told me the other day that he checks the blog every day and is getting sick of looking at the same pictures! I guess that was a hint to update the blog! Here are a few random pictures to keep Ben happy for awhile! Cash and Kai are finally getting use to each other but Cash loves to pick on Kai and Kai hates it! Here is a good example of Cash pulling Kai's hair. Kai immediately started screaming after this picture was taken.
Kai loves to suck his thumb! Especially if he is drinking his bottle! He slips his thumb between his lips and the bottle! What a nerd!
How can you say no to that cute face?
Cash, once again, poking at Kai in the face.
What good eaters...they already love fruit!
Bathtime was the best...for Cash anyways! Cash splashed and splashed, and Kai screamed and screamed! He was not a fan of sharing the tub with Cash!
There you go Ben! That should keep you happy for a few days!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Off to Iraq!
A week ago Saturday Ben left for Iraq. He has spent the week in Kuwait doing some training then he is off to Iraq. Here are a few pictures of us the morning he left. We had to meet up with his unit on base at 1:30 am. We hung around until about 5:00 am when they loaded them all up on buses to take them to the airforce base. It was a long sad morning!
Kai was wide awake and really hyper about 3am!
Ben hanging out with buddy one last time before he leaves.
Ben tightening the straps on his gianormous gun! Uggg!
Ben's unit getting ready for formation.
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