A few nights ago this bouquet of chocolate covered fruit showed up at my door from all my siblings. This is the side that wasn't devoured in the first few hours...
I can't get over how stinking cute my little man is! He loves to have his hands right up by his face all the time or he gets mad!
Grandma O just can't get enough of her new grandbaby!
She has worked hard to earn the name Baby Hog!
Still so cute and so tiny! And I love those fruit bouquets! They the best!
Mmmmmm chocolate covered fruit... your "little man" really is adorable! Millie's 1st birthday was June 30 (6 lbs 15 oz... your baby's taking after mine!). I loved having a summer baby so we could get out and walk around. And those fuzzy pink blankets you sent came in really handy in the winter... what do you need? More fruit?
p.s. Where have I been the last YEAR? How come I didn't know you guys live in Hawaii! Oh right, I've been a MOM for the past year. Never mind. I am just so thrilled I can blog stalk you now.
Kami, That fruit basket looks AMAZING! I am drooling all over myself just looking at it....I actually blew the picture up on my computer screen to get a closer look. I almost started licking the screen. Wow....I need some chocolate! Who in the world would do such a nice thing?! We miss you and can't wait to meet baby Kai....only six more weeks! Post more pics of the baby, we love them.
Ah, Kami, He's adorable!
Great work!
Oooh, your siblings know what is best for a new mamma and her mamma!!! By the way that cute kid surely has a cute grandma!
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