Monday, January 01, 2007

Cake #1

Cake #2
Cake #3 I have decided that my wedding colors are going to be pink and I have to decide on a cake. As you all probably know...I HATE making decisions so this planning process is torture for me! You each have to cast your vote and let me know which cake you like best. I want to do a chocolate frosting cake with either pink flowers around it or a pink ribbon around it. I can't decide if I like the round or the square cake better. I also can't decide if I like the flowers under each tier or the cakes just stacked right on top of each other. Do you like 1, 2, or 3 the best and why???


Anonymous said...

I like square cakes when it comes to wedding cakes. For some reason they look more classy to me.
I also like them stacked directly on top of each other. You could put a ribbon around the base of each cake and then have flowers as an accent.
Wedding cakes are on my brain because Fern makes wedding cakes and her daughter is getting married on Wednesday so we've been having lots of discussions. :)

Carl and Pat said...

I like cake number 1. Why? I dunno know. Just looks good. The other ones look like hats on top of each other... Carl

Anonymous said...

I am going against the other two, I like the round ones better. Square seems Martha Stewart to me and looks more homemade. I would do as Carrie said with ribbons around the base and flowers for nice touches. Definately stacked on top of each other. I love your colors. Cake # 3 is my vote.

prbell said...

I'll take Door #1 Vanna. The square thing looks classier for some reason.
Don't forget the personalized M&M's also....

Uncle Phil

Anonymous said...

My vote is for cake #1 but with chocolate frosting. You could still put ribbon on the base of each layer with the pink flowers inbetween each layers. I think that would be super cute!!!! Have you seen those chocate cakes that have chocolate shavings all over them---I think they are awesome!

Carl and Pat said...

It's #1 or #2 for me! (Aunt Pat)

Anonymous said...

Kami check out this cake---I think it's sooo cute!

Susan said...

This is fun. It's almost like the weddings they do on the Today Show where people get to vote on cakes, dresses, tux, etc. All three cakes are beautiful in my opinion. But if I just had to pick one I would pick #3.

Thomas said...

LOVE cake #3 a ton. Actually any one of them would be a big score. The only thing is, if you are not ordering it directly from the company that provided the pic, then dont expect it to turn out exactly the same. Brown and pink are awesome colors. I cant wait. This will be one hell of a party.

prbell said...

Mom....Maile said a bad word!

Uncle Phil

Carl and Pat said...

Maile never ceases to surprise us all!! Do we get to vote on the tuxedos, bridesmaid dresses, flowers, etc.? (Pat)

Carl and Pat said...

Kami, as you can plainly see, all the votes lean to Cake #1. Sam's mother makes wedding cakes out of one big marshmallow treat, then puts frosting over it. Give that some thought! U Carl

Anonymous said...

Maile---it's high time you cleaned up your language!

Anonymous said...

Kami, the big man is upstairs watching choppers. So, I will vote for him. I like both #1 and #2. But, if I really have to pick I would go for #2. Since I usually get my way 99.99% of the time, we WILL see u in april. :)

Carl and Pat said...


karmen said...

#1 gets my vote. I like because clearly it is the prettiest. Although when it is frosted in brown I am not sure that I will feel the same way. :)